Social Media Content Ideas for Authors — July

I’m back for another month of social media content ideas for authors! Here’s some quick and simple content ideas for those days when you can’t think of what to post. These can be regular photo posts, carousels, or made into videos/reels.
International Kissing Day (July 6th): Romance authors, this is for you. Post one of the steamiest kisses from one of your books of your choice! Use the hashtag #NationalKissingDay.
Newsletter Signup: Encourage readers to sign up to your mailing list so you can speak to them directly and share your books more easily. (Also also spoil them with goodies! Your subscribers are your diamonds.)
Independent Retailer Month: Take readers on a journey to your favorite local independent bookstore and/or feature your (or fellow authors you love) direct buy shop on your website. Perhaps even give out a special discount code for the month.
Space Exploration Day (July 20th): Write science fiction? Celebrate the awesomeness of exploring space today.
Book Meme: Share a hilarious meme about life as a bookworm. You wanna cater this to readers, not writers. You are after their eyeballs and attention.
What’s In My Bag?: Share with your readers the items you absolutely need when you write away from home. What’s in your mobile writer’s kit?
Book Dedication: Take a nice aesthetic photo of your book’s dedication and share the inspiration behind it in the caption.
3 Facts: Share 3 facts that shape your author brand. What’s your niche? What promises or tropes can readers always find in your books? Tickle your id list or ultimate universal fantasies here.
Paperback Book Day (July 30th): Share a stack of your favorite printed books or perhaps your #TBRpile.
Blog post: Do you have a blog on your website? Share your latest post! Don’t have a blog? Share one you’ve recently enjoyed.
BONUS: Other Bookish Events/Days in July for Social Media Content Ideas
- French-American Heritage Month: Are you a French-American author? Talk about how that influences your writing.
- National Anti-Boredom Month: Reading is the enemy of boredom. Draw readers to your platform and encourage them to read by making an eye-catching carousel of books. Could be some random faves or maybe your TBR for the month.
- National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month: Shine a light on mental health in BIPOC communities by spotlighting some books with rep.
- Canada Day (July 1): Feature some books by Canadian authors, or share books you’ve written that are set in Canada.
- National Nudity Day (July 14th): Started by nudists in the late 70s, National Nude Day exists to celebrate the wonderfulness of the naked body. Erotic writers, try and feature the sexiest stripping down scene from your book.
- South Asian Heritage Month (July 18-Aug 17): Celebrate South Asian culture by shining a light on SA authors and books.
- Islamic New Year (July 18th): Feature your fave reads from Muslim authors!
- Take Your Poet to Work Day (July 19th): Share your fave poems or poetry with your readers.
- National Handjob Day (July 21st): Apologies to the non-spicy authors, July is a very steamy month 😂 But today is a great day to feature an excerpt from a handjob scene in a story of your choice.
- National Day of the Cowboy (July 22nd): Western writers, today is your day! Tie this holiday into your marketing today.
- BDSM Day (July 24th): Make a carousel of the spiciest BDSM books you’ve read—fiction and nonfiction.
- National Disability Independence Day (July 26th): Celebrate the Americans with Disability Act by sharing your fave books (or yours) featuring rep for disabilities.
- National Orgasm Day (July 31st): Celebrate your favorite le petite mort in one of your books or stories by sharing a snippet of it on social media.
Come back next month for 10+ new social media content ideas For authors. Be sure to save this post for future reference! Make sure to check out my bundle of summer-themed marketing Canva graphics to help make your content planning this summer a breeze!

Post by Teresa Conner
Teresa is a full-time freelance book cover designer and graphic designer for Wolfsparrow Covers. When not creating graphics or book covers for indie authors and traditional publishers, Teresa can be found writing erotic romance under her pen name Torrance Sené or fueling her addictions to tea, planners, and Marvel.